1.2 Live Time - Asynchronous

 What is new to my thinking? What new information has challenged, confirmed, or raised questions? How may this stretch my professional growth? What are the implications of this week’s learning on my professional practice?  

 Each week as I continue learning, my thinking is stretched, and my knowledge base widens.  I consider myself a bit of a digital immigrant, having not grown up with today’s technology.  I feel like sometimes I am behind in my learning because while there are certain forms of technology that I use daily, there is so much more to learn, and it feels a bit overwhelming with the rapid pace that things are changing, and new items are being introduced.  I have learned so much, not just from the rich content of this course but from my colleagues who are on the front lines in the classroom where technology is used in various ways daily.  I continue to learn new terms that give me a new perspective on how schools educate future generations and prepare for the workforce. 

Throughout my education journey, not only in this program but in each academic program I have been a part of continued to stretch my professional growth.  I find myself taking what I learn each week and being able to use it in some way in my daily work.  As I move forward from the practical applications of the Online Teaching and Learning portion of this program to the foundational action-based research and theories of Educational Technology and Learning Engineering, I believe my professional growth will continue in new and exciting ways. 

What are my spiritual growth goals this week?     

            I continue to find the weekly “Virtual Salt” discussions and readings to be an enriching experience.  They challenge me to grow deeper in my walk with the Lord as I look at familiar stories from the bible through a new and fresh lens.  This is enhanced even further through discussion posts with my classmates.  I realize that not everyone grew up in a Christian home or even attended weekly church services as I did.  We are all at different places in our walk, which makes the discussion and various perspectives even more content-rich as we learn from one another.  As scripture says in Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (NIV), we will continue to grow in our walk as we learn more about each other through engaging with one another.