"The moment a leader steps away from his core competencies, his effectiveness as a leader diminishes.”

Leadership Competencies

  • Person of Integrity and Spirituality

    Integrates the conceptual foundation and daily living that characterizes and individual who leads with integrity and personal spirituality.

  • Mentor

    Applies the theoretical understanding and commitment to both be mentored and be a mentor who is committed to developing others.

  • Strategist

    Organizes oneself, others, and essential resources towards the achievement of a clearly articulated strategy.

  • Change Agent

    Formulates the know-how to help individuals and groups to solve problems and pursue positive change.

  • Educator

    Demonstrates and understands theory-based skills to effectively educate other adults in ways that are authentic, appropriate and engaging.

  • Team Builder

    Employs the knowledge-based proficiency as a consensus builder in various diverse team settings.

  • Mobilizer

    Integrates appropriate practices to move individuals and groups forward through communication that is clear, suitable and motivating.

  • Person of Academic Inquiry

    Demonstrates the ability to do Masters level academic research and writing.